This is a superior class which is delivered in English.
The aim of this program is to prepare students to face global challenges, especially competition in work, by improving communication and presentation skills in English.
By participating in this program, students will receive the following benefits:
- Develop communication skills in English.
- Get the opportunity to interact more intensively with lecturers and students in a class with the capacity of about 20 students.
- Get the priority to become a lecturer assistant by meeting the predetermined criteria.
- Get the priority to be included in internship and work placement programs through the Career Development Center.
- Obtain certificates that list the courses that have been delivered in English.
- Get priority in credit transfer programs abroad.
- Have a greater opportunity to participate in scholarship and international certification programs.
- Financial Accounting I
- Financial Accounting II
- Business
- Marketing Management
- Management Accounting I
- Management Accounting II
- Intermediate Accounting I
- Intermediate Accounting II
- Accounting Information Systems I
- Accounting Information Systems II
- Financial Management
- Advanced Financial Management
- Advanced Accounting I
- Advanced Accounting II
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Auditing I
- Auditing II
- Research Seminar
- Accounting Theory
- Thesis
This is a superior class which is delivered in English.
The aim of this program is to prepare students to face global challenges, especially competition in work, by improving communication and presentation skills in English.
By participating in this program, students will receive the following benefits:
- Develop communication and presentation skills in English.
- Get the opportunity to interact more intensively with lecturers and students in a class with the capacity of about 20 students.
- Get the opportunity to use laboratory facilities.
- Study in classrooms that are equipped with multimedia technologies.
- Get the priority to become a lecturer assistant by meeting the predetermined criteria.
- Get the priority to be included in internship and work placement programs through the Career Development Center.
- Obtain certificates that list the courses that have been delivered in English.
- Business
- Management
- Financial Management
- Human Resource Management
- Advanced Marketing Management
- Advanced Financial Management
- Advanced Human Resource Management
- Research Methodologies
- Advanced Research Methodologies
- Business Ethics
- Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Management
- Leadership