Student Activity Unit (UKM)

Le Yuan Mandarin club is a student activity unit in mandarin language. They introduce Tiong Hua culture actively through Chinese New Year Celebration such as singing a mandarin song, playing a game and holding a bazaar. Le Yuan doesn’t only introduce Tiong Hua culture but also increases the value of leadership and teamwork through camping.
Regular Schedule:
Friday, 12.00-13.30

Trisamantrada is a student activity unit in traditional dance. In order to preserve traditional dances, they celebrate dance day on traditional day regularly. They also hold Indonesia traditional dance performances to introduce the richness of Indonesia traditional dance.
Regular Schedule:
Friday, 10.00-13.00

Zig-Zag English Club is a student activity unit in English language. They conduct competitions actively both for internal and external purposes such as English presentation, scrabble, spelling bee and speech competition. They also assist college students in TSM who have difficulty in learning English for midterm and final examinations. They organize movie time, which is learning English through movies.
Regular Schedule:
Friday, 10.30-13.00

Star Theater is a student activity unit that focuses on acting. They often hold shows both internally at TSM and externally at some theaters in Jakarta. Besides, they also conduct workshops to improve their knowledge and skills among members.
Regular Schedule:
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 15.00-21.00

X-Clue is a student activity unit in modern dance. X-clue holds a dance competition and invites a lot of modern dance teams to compete in TSM. Besides, they also provide their members with some skills on make-up through beauty class for supporting the show of modern dancers.
Regular Schedule:
Friday, 10.00-13.00

Trischmavoca is a student activity unit in choir. Trischmavoca joins competition routinely both national and international choir. They also conduct pre-competition concert to ask blessings and support before they go to the competition. Furthermore they hold a gathering that filled with a choral class for adding insight about vocal techniques and basic music theory.
Regular Schedule:
Wednesday, 18.30-21.00 (Jakarta Campus)
Friday, 13.30-15.30
Friday, 10.00-13.00 (Bekasi Campus)

Badminton club is a student activity unit of sport in badminton. They conduct internal and external competition regularly, both internally for TSM and externally for the public. Besides, they also hold a coaching clinic to develop their member’s skills.
Regular Schedule:
Friday, 10.00-12.00 (Jakarta Campus)
Saturday, 17.00-19.00 (Bekasi Campus)

Volleyball club is a student activity unit of sport in volley. They conduct internal and external competition regularly. Internal competition is held for TSM while external competition is held for high school students.
Regular Schedule:
Friday, 14.00-17.00

Basketball club is a student activity unit of sport in basketball. They conduct 3-on-3 internal cups for TSM students and external cups both for male and female. Besides, they also invite some professional players to give training for members.
Regular Schedule:
Saturday, 18.00-20.00

Futsal is a student activity unit of sport in football which is smaller than soccer. They send their 3 teams from TSM to attend a training camp. That training camp is a testing ground for all futsal student activity units from other universities. They also conduct internal cups to find talented students in TSM.
Regular Schedule:
Wednesday, 20.00-22.00

Table Tennis club is a student activity unit of sport in table tennis. Table tennis for the first time will hold a competition which will be participated by table tennis teams from some universities. They also hold an internal cup for college students in TSM.

Taekwondo club is a student activity unit of sport in martial arts. They conduct the Trisula Mini Cup as a competition for all taekwondo from every university under the Trisakti Foundation. Trisula cup is also conducted for taekwondo clubs in JABODETABEK ( Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi ).
Regular Schedule:
Wednesday and Friday, 16.00 (Jakarta Campus)
Tuesday, 16.00 (Bekasi Campus)