What is it like to work in other countries? Let’s learn more by following the journeys of Sophie Young-Ah Shin (KPMG Korea), Orawan Chunhakitpaisan (KPMG Thailand), Monica Kenney (KPMG Australia), and Putra Hartanto (KPMG Indonesia) to KPMG offices in London, Tokyo, Philadelphia and Cincinnati. All four of our KPMG colleagues are successful in their own rights and more than happy to share their secret recipes of conquering the world with you.
Join our 7th session of Chit-chat Chit-chat di Dinding @KPMG:
Date: 16 July 2021
Time: 4.00 – 5:30 PM
Platform: Microsoft TeamsRegistration:
Register now! Find out about their journey and what it’s like to work in other countries with KPMG!
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Facebook : Admincdc
Instagram : @cdctracerstudy.tsm
Website : https://www.tsm.ac.id
Whatsapp : 0812 1818 8341
LinkedIn : Trisakti School of Management (STIE Trisakti)